After 3 years of our homepage being a jumble of static pages, we've converted to a more modern system. Hopefully, this will ensure that our pages are updated more often. We haven't converted all the content yet, but that will…
News from Team UckFup
After 3 years of our homepage being a jumble of static pages, we've converted to a more modern system. Hopefully, this will ensure that our pages are updated more often. We haven't converted all the content yet, but that will…
En halvkølig efterårslørdag havde IPSC4EVER e.V. inviteret til Summer Shootoff i Berlin. Stævnet blev afholdt på Deva Wannsee, og som sædvanlig var der en håndfuld Danskere med.
Lørdag d. 21 maj afholdt “Landesverband 1 Berlin-Brandenburg” deres årlige IPSC områdemesterskab, og en flok nordjyder havde fundet vej derned.