Blog Archives

New bullets to test

I picked up some new bullets for testing. Perhaps it’s time for a change from the H&N 145 gr. round nose bullets, that I’ve been sending downrange for years.  

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Time to pick up the training again

Training log, ammo, and my trusty gun – time to get serious again.  

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Dall IPSC Challenge 2012

Dall IPSC Challenge 2012: DONE! (well, mostly – there’s still 17 stages to tear down over the next couple of weeks) This was my first level III IPSC match as Match Director, and I’ve certainly learned a lot. I *thought*

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Training Trivia

Today’s training trivia: – Trying to hit a par time that’s 0,4 sec below your last recorded par is pretty hard (I read the par as 1,4 sec, instead of 1,8). I was really wondering how I’d managed to hit

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Rooster Mountain 2012

I shot some good stages, but still need to work on the mental aspects, to avoid stupid mistakes. My month off from training probably had something to say as well. Still, it was just another lv. III, and now there’s

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